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Container Details

Users can access extended information about the container in two places. The first is on the "import/export" page, where they can scroll the table to the right and find a button with an image of a truck in the last column. Clicking on this button will open a pop-up with the container's information.

Another option is to view the containers that are related to your order on the "Essential Order Details" page. Let's take a closer look at the "Сontainer" card.

As you may be aware, every container comes with its own chassis, which can either be rented from the port or owned by the company. In the "Сhassis" section, you have the option to select or set a chassis by its number and specify the duration of its use. To set a chassis, simply click on the "Сhassis" section, and a pop-up with chassis settings options will appear.

Here, you can toggle between the port and company-owned chassis using the switcher at the top of the chassis settings pop-up. For instance, let's assume we have our own chassis and would like to assign it to our container. To do this, navigate to the Tools > Chassis page and add your chassis using the "+ chassis" button. Ensure that your chassis is active before assigning it to the container.

To assign your desired chassis to the container, return to the order page that corresponds to the container. From there, open the chassis pop-up and ensure that the chassis type switcher is set to "Own". Next, select your created chassis from the "Own Chassis" drop-down. Additionally, you will need to set the start date for when the chassis will be used. If the chassis is not currently in use, you can also specify the end date.

Once you have entered all the necessary information, submit the form, and your chassis will be successfully assigned to the selected container. In the "Chassis" section you will see the following information:

Current Chassis: This refers to the chassis that is currently assigned to the container. If you want to change the chassis, you'll need to go through the process of assigning a new chassis, which may involve returning the current chassis to the port or a chassis pool.

Out Gated Date: This is the date when the chassis was moved out of its current location, such as a port or a depot.

In Gated Date: This is the date when the chassis is received back into the port or depot after being used.

Owner: This refers to the entity or company that owns the chassis. The owner may be the shipping line, the port, or a third-party leasing company.

Chassis Uses Days: This refers to the number of days that a chassis has been used for transporting containers.

The second section is the port information, where you can find all available details about the container from the port. You can also hover over the cargo icon at the top of the container card, located near the container ID, to access more detailed information.

In this section, you can expect to see details such as the container's arrival date at the port, the estimated time of departure, the port of loading, and the port of discharge. Additionally, you may see information about the vessel that the container is scheduled to be loaded onto, including its name, arrival time, and departure time.

By accessing the "Port Information" section, you can keep track of the container's movements, and you can also obtain information about any delays or changes in the schedule. This information is crucial for ensuring that the container is delivered on time and that any issues are addressed promptly.

The container info section is divided into two parts. The first part contains the following data:

"Returned" refers to the date when a container or shipment was returned to its original location. By default, it is the "Return Container" button.

The "Off-dock Date" refers to the date when the container was removed from the port or terminal and moved to a storage or distribution facility.

"Company Status" is a status drop-down, from where you can select your created status from the "Company Status" list.

"Driver" refers to the person who is responsible for transporting the shipment. You can change the driver if it is needed, by clicking on the "Driver" name or the "Set Driver" button.

"Appointment" refers to the scheduled date and time for the pickup or delivery of the shipment. You can change it, by clicking the "Appointment" date or the "Set Appointment" button.

"Pregate OUT" and "Pregate IN" refer to when the shipment was checked in and out of the gate at the terminal or storage facility. They can be changed too, just click on the "Pregate OUT"/"Pregate IN" date or "Set Pregate" button.

The "Assign Trucker" section allows you to assign a person or company to transport the shipment. This information may include the name of the trucking company or the identification of the specific truck assigned to the shipment. When you first access the "Assign Trucker" section, you will see that the default setting is not assigned. You will see a button that says "Need Setup In Settings". Clicking on this button will redirect you to your settings page, where you can select the trucker company that you work with.

Once you have selected the trucker company, you can go back to the "Order Details" page for the container you are working on. You will now be able to assign the selected trucker company to your container. After you have assigned the trucker company, the information will be sent to the port where the container is located.

The second part of the "Container Info" section provides additional details about the container, including its weight (in both pounds and kilograms), PO Number, PIN Number, Seal Number, and Rate. You can easily update any of this information by clicking the "Pencil" icon next to the corresponding field and entering the new data.

It's important to note that the Weight fields are shown in both pounds and kilograms. If you enter the weight in pounds, it will automatically be converted to kilograms, in the "Weight (kg)" field, and vice versa. This ensures that you always have accurate weight information available for your container.

Additionally, you can enter information such as the PO Number, which is a purchase order number that helps to identify the goods being transported in the container. The PIN Number is a unique identification number assigned to the container, and the Seal Number is a security seal number that helps to ensure the container's contents are not tampered with during transport. Finally, the "Rate" field allows you to enter the shipping rate for the container, which is the price you will pay for the transportation.

An important component of the container card is the "Route" table, which is responsible for managing the container's route from the port to the receiver. As you may know, things don't always go according to plan. For instance, the receiver may be unable to receive the load at the scheduled time, so you may have to store the container and deliver it to the receiver the following day. Here, you can add points where the container should be delivered until the receiver is available to take it.

To add a new stop, select the location from the "Stop" drop-down menu, which includes all the ports we support. If you need to add a new point, simply click the "Create Location" button and complete the form. The newly created point will appear in the "Stop" drop-down menu.

The dispatcher can manually refresh the "Route" table, which can be useful if another dispatcher made changes. To create a route, you need to create two stops. Once you have done that, your newly created route will be displayed in the "Route" table. Let's take a closer look at the table.

The first column allows you to change the order of your stops by dragging them.

The second column enables you to delete the route.

The "Point A"/"Point B" columns display the starting and ending points of the container's journey. These should change as you reorder the stops.

The "ID" column contains the Dispatch ID and links to the "Dispatch Details" page.

The "Status" column displays the current status of the route, such as "Active", "Completed", "Canceled", and "Declined".

The "Progress" column shows the current progress of the route, which will be set automatically but can be edited manually by double-clicking on a cell.

The "Driver" column displays the driver's name. You can set or change the driver manually by double-clicking on a cell.

The "Rate" column displays the current rate for the route and what you need to pay the driver. You can set or change the rate manually by double-clicking on a cell.

The "Rate A" and "Rate B" columns display the rate for the idle time at the point and what you need to pay the driver. You can set or change them manually by double-clicking on a cell.

The "Total" column shows how much the route will cost you for delivery.

The "Date" column displays the date when the route is scheduled to be completed.

The "Dispatch" column contains information on whether the route has been dispatched or not.

The "Actions" column contains the "Dispatch" button if the route has not been dispatched, or the "Cancel" button if it has been. Alternatively, it may be empty if the route was canceled previously.

The last section of the "Container" card is the "Notes" section. You can leave messages for other dispatchers there or make your notes if it is needed.

Sometimes it can be needed to delete a container, you can do it too. Open the card menu, at the right-top corner of the card, and click the delete button. Your container will be deleted immediately.

For export containers, you can change the container number, because sometimes it can be empty, None, or contains a mistake. Click the container number, at the top of the container card, and the "Change Container" form will appear.

Thank you for being with us!


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