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Edit user info. Change password

If you wish to modify your personal information, such as your username, phone, or email address, you will need to click the user icon, located at the right-top corner of your screen. The dropdown menu will appear containing several options, including the "Settings" button. Selecting this button will redirect you to the "Account & Notifications" section, where you can adjust your personal details. To make changes, simply enter the updated information into the corresponding field and hit the "Save Changes" button to confirm your updates.

Once you've updated your email or phone number, you'll need to verify the updated information. To accomplish this, simply click the "Send Confirmation" button located to the right of the form for changing your contact details. If you have sent a confirmation to your email address, a verification letter will be sent to your new email address (be sure to check your Spam folder if you haven't received it yet). Alternatively, if you have sent a confirmation to your phone number, you will receive a confirmation code via SMS. Simply enter this code into the window that pops up to complete the verification process.

To update your password, you'll need to navigate to the "Security" button. Within this section, you'll be prompted to enter your current password, followed by your desired new password and a confirmation of the new password. Once all fields have been completed, simply click the "Save Changes" button to confirm your new password.

Thank you for being with us!


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